Friday, January 31, 2020

False Reports

       Today in class we talked about false accusations made by reporters. We were given the prompt,” Was Abc right to suspend a reporter for the false Kobe report”. I answered yes, because that false report could have caused others unnecessary pain. A false report stated that Rich Fox was on the helicopter when it crashed. False reports can also cause the company to lose their credibility and business. People want to hear information from reliable sources , so they’re probably going to lose numerous supporters ,and viewers.

Thursday, January 30, 2020


      Today in class Mr. Rease introduced us to premises. Premises are statements that an argument claims will induce or justify a conclusion. A premise can either be formal , or informal. We were given several examples for premises, and we had to distinguish between the two. This was actually not as difficult as I thought it was going to be. At the end of class we discussed the right answers, and many of my answers were correct.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Reason and Reasoning

     Today in class I learned about reason and reasoning. Reason is a logical statement that supports an individual’s claim. On the other hand reasoning is when an individual draws conclusions through the use of reason. I also learned that it is important that we use reason , and reasoning while arguing. Mr. Rease gave us many examples on how to use reason , and reasoning.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

My Purpose

          I’ve haven’t come across my purpose one hundred percent, but I do have an idea of what it might be. I always find myself informing others about their health. My dad always tells my that I should be a doctor, but I could never picture it. I wouldn’t mind having a doctor’s salary, but that is not what I’m interested in. I want to help others live a healthier lifestyle, but that doesn’t mean I have to be a doctor. I have thought about being a personal trainer, or  a nutritionist.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Identity vs. Possession

        Today in class we talked about identity , and possession. We watched a short clip on what identity truly means. Identity is who a person , or thing is. Possession is the state of having , or owning something. Mr. Rease asked everyone to list things they possess .I listed my cellphone, dog, and all of my clothes. Although ,possession and identity are similar the two can be very cohesive. Many times when we go shopping for clothes ,we pick the clothes that fit our personality the best. The  way we present ourselves says a lot, or in other words it identifies us. At the same time we own the clothes we wear ,so the things we possess can tell more about us.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Class Discussion

      Today in class Mr. Rease gave the class very important ACT test taking tips. The tips were ,always use the process elimination, don’t spend to much time on one question, and make an educated guess if you are not sure of the answer. Mr. Rease has given us these tips in the previous semester, but many people had forgotten them. We also discussed the importance of vocational classes in schools. Some students aren’t going to attend college after high school, so it is very important that particular individual has a skill to fall back on. Many schools have vocational programs, but some schools don’t. I personally think every school should have at least 5 vocational programs , for each student to choose from.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Word Passages

          Today in class we discussed act reading passages. Mr. Rease gave every student in the class 15 minutes to read a passage and answer 12 questions. The passage was about the importance of having book clubs. I actually found this passage very Interesting, because in my spare time I enjoy going to the library. In the passage there were many pros, but there were also cons. One of the cons were some people might not agree on the same book, which isn’t a very good reason.On the other hand the pros outweighed the cons.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Body paragraph

        Today in class I composed a one body paragraph. The paragraph was on the certainty , doubt topic from last week. I had to create and thesis , along with the evidence to support the claim. I used evidence from Dwayne Wayde’s motivational speech. He stated that many times he thought of his hard times ,to push him to go harder. I related to that more than anything, so I chose it would be easier for me to use that .

Friday, January 17, 2020

Certainty and Doubt Essay

     Today in class we read an AP essay. The essay we read was about certainty, and doubt. Although the essay had a few errors, it was very interesting. The student explained why certainty , and doubt were corresponding. I also learned that on the AP exam, a student’s spelling doesn’t have to be 100% correct. It is still important that the student spells the word the best they can. I also learned that if an individual does good on the AP exam, they are eligible for scholarships.

Thursday, January 16, 2020


       Today in class we talked about observations. We related observations to a time where we were doubtful , yet certain. I had several problems distinguishing between observations and experiences. Even though I know the difference between the two, I was mentioning experiences instead of observations. I talked about the time my sister doubted she was going to get hired, but I was very certain she was. Mr. Rease suggested that I use third person, which was a great suggestion, because my sentenced sounded more fluent.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

More About Certainty and Doubt

       Today in class I learned more about certainty, and doubt. We watched a motivational short film . The film was about Dwayne Wade’s life journey. He explained how he was very indigent, and needy at one point of his like .He later became a wrestler, but he felt as if wrestling wasn’t for him , so he quit. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do after that, but he took the risk anyway. This video made me have a more positive perspective on life. Many times I tend to give up, but the next time I think about giving up ,I will keep pushing.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Certainty and Doubt

     Today in class I learned about certainty, and doubt. Certainty is when an individual has one-hundred percent faith in something. On the other hand doubt is when an individual has lack of faith. Mr. Rease asked the class to name somethings they were certain about. Some people were very sure what it meant , but most of the class understood. One of the things I was certain about was the fact that I was a junior in high school.

Monday, January 13, 2020

True Beauty

      Today in class we played four corners. Mr. Rease gave us several topics. The class had to choose whether they agree, strongly agree , disagree, or strongly disagree. My favorite topic was “ Is beauty skin deep?” In today’s society looks is one of the most important factors. In some situations the outside appearance can seem most important, but it is important that someone is beautiful on the inside. I’ve been around guys that were attractive, but  all I really seen were their looks. Once I got to know them their looks didn’t even matter ,because they were no good on the inside.

Friday, January 10, 2020

More Fallacies

      Today in class I learned more fallacies. I learned about formal fallacy and faulty generalization. The class read several examples to help better understand .I learned that formal fallacies are patterns of mistakes that are identified in an argument. These particular fallacies were kind of hard for me to identify, because they were very similar to the other fallacies I learned about.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Straw Man

     Today in class we created skits. The entire class was split into 5 groups. Each group had to come up with a skit that was related to their assigned fallacy. My group was given the fallacy, straw man. Straw man is one way of making arguments stronger , but makes the opponent argument weaker by knocking them down. Cassidy came up with the idea of stereotypes. Cassidy ,and I acted as teenagers while my other group members were elderly women. My two other group members were talking bad about us so we started to act crazy.Cassidy and I acted as if we were disrespectful, and wild. While the two old women made stereotypes about us.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


            Today in class we discussed fallacy. Fallacy is invalid reasoning when constructing an argument. As Mr. Rease explained the different type of fallacy , I realized I hear it daily. Fallacy is very important when writing papers for college. Therefore, it is very important that I master the concept.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020


      Today in class we discussed what “success” really meant. Mr. Rease showed the class a very inspiring video . I learned that just , because someone is smart doesn’t mean they are going to be successful in the future.  Effort is the most important factor when becoming successful. Without effort nothing would be possible.

Analyzing Syntax

       Today in class I watched a video on syntax. I learned a lot about punctual and the structure of sentences. This lesson was actually v...