Thursday, January 9, 2020

Straw Man

     Today in class we created skits. The entire class was split into 5 groups. Each group had to come up with a skit that was related to their assigned fallacy. My group was given the fallacy, straw man. Straw man is one way of making arguments stronger , but makes the opponent argument weaker by knocking them down. Cassidy came up with the idea of stereotypes. Cassidy ,and I acted as teenagers while my other group members were elderly women. My two other group members were talking bad about us so we started to act crazy.Cassidy and I acted as if we were disrespectful, and wild. While the two old women made stereotypes about us.

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Analyzing Syntax

       Today in class I watched a video on syntax. I learned a lot about punctual and the structure of sentences. This lesson was actually v...