Thursday, February 20, 2020

Project Review

          Today in class we finished the presentations. Overall I feel like I have learned a lot about the world. I learned about some really bizarre customs, and traditions. Seeing countries from all over made me realize that the world would be so boring if everyone lived the same way. Many traditions seemed strange to me ,but made a lot more since when it was explained. I am so proud to be part a country that has hundreds of cultures .

Wednesday, February 19, 2020


   Today in class there were more presentations being presented. By now I feel like I have actually been around the world. I have learned so much about Africa that I didn’t know before. There are so many rich countries in Africa along with their strong ethic. Even though many countries in Africa are poor they still are very happy people, that don’t let wealth determine their happiness. That is completely different from America , because most people base their happiness off wealth, but Africans are a lot more appreciative.

Monday, February 17, 2020


        Today in class we discussed the differences between nationality, and individuality.  In my essay I explained how individuality was much more important than nationality. Nationality contributes to the customs of that person, but not their character as a person.Many times I realize that outside cultures associate stereotypes with that person as an individual. Some asian countries are known for being fighters, but that doesn’t mean all Asian people fight. It is important that we remember to not judge people as a whole, but as an individual .

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Claims and Evidence

     Today in class we talked about claims and evidence. Each student had to read another students paper ,and determine whether they had good evidence. Claims and evidence was the main thing we have been discussing this school year. Even though we talked about this all year ; my arguments still needed critiquing .When Mr. Rease explained where the evidence should be located ; that made writing essays so much easier.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Comparing Cultures

     Today in class Mr. Rease put each student into groups. He put each student into groups based on the continent their assigned country was in. There was only two people in my group, including me. My country is Brazil; which is located in South America. My partner’s country was Colombia. Colombia is similar to Brazil , because both countries are very favored in sports.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

My Most Important Culture

      Today in class we talked more about culture. The class had to explain what culture was the most important to them, and why. It took me about five minutes to decide ;which culture was actually the most important to me. I have a lot of family that are from up north ,but I do not feel that their culture is apart of of me. It has not  contributed to my lifestyle at all, but southern culture has. I feel like southern culture is a huge part of me, and that makes me proud. My family from up north always hyperbolizes the south. They always say southern people are more respectful, and kind.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Upcoming Project

   Today in class Mr. Rease thoroughly explained our upcoming project. This particular project is about countries around the world. We have to research everything important about our assigned country, and teach our class about it. This is actually one of my favorite projects. I find it very interesting to learn about other countries, and their traditions. Learning about other religions, and customs gives me a whole new outlook on life.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Son and Mother Relationship

      Today in class we discussed the importance of a son, and mother having a nurturing relationship . We had to choose a position, on whether or not it was important. My first thought was it is not because that individual does not need their mother to be happy, or successful. My reason for saying that is , because many parents are downfalls to their children. Although, after discussing it, I changed my position. I realized that mothers teach their sons very important morals ,and values , that they wouldn’t be able to get from other people . Mothers also know their children better than others.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020


      Today in class we talked about comedians. Mr. Rease showed us numerous videos of stand up comedies. Many things the comedians were talking about were very offensive, in my opinion. Although somethings the comedians talked about were offensive, they were true. I feel like all comedians should have limits, because some things shouldn’t be taken as a joke. On the other hand, people that tend to get offensive easily shouldn’t attend comedy shows.

Analyzing Syntax

       Today in class I watched a video on syntax. I learned a lot about punctual and the structure of sentences. This lesson was actually v...