Thursday, February 13, 2020

Claims and Evidence

     Today in class we talked about claims and evidence. Each student had to read another students paper ,and determine whether they had good evidence. Claims and evidence was the main thing we have been discussing this school year. Even though we talked about this all year ; my arguments still needed critiquing .When Mr. Rease explained where the evidence should be located ; that made writing essays so much easier.

1 comment:

  1. Composing a claim is the easiest part to me, but I've always struggled with finding evidence that backed up my claim. My evidence would have holes in it, or it simply didn't match the description of my claim. However I learned as i write more,my writing continuously perfects itself.


Analyzing Syntax

       Today in class I watched a video on syntax. I learned a lot about punctual and the structure of sentences. This lesson was actually v...