Friday, November 22, 2019

Rhetorical analysis essay

           Today in class we had to compose a rhetorical analysis essay. The rhetorical analysis essay was based off of Barack Obama’s “Hello Chicago” speech. In this speech President Barack Obama covered a lot of topics. He talked about the American people putting their beliefs aside ,and becoming a whole. This was one of the most encouraging speech’s I have ever read.

Thursday, November 21, 2019


    Today in class we talked about life. Mr. Rease wanted to know what colleges, or universities were we considering. I am very interested in Valdosta State. I have heard so many great things about them. They also have a really great arts program. Mr. Rease also asked everyone about their favorite movie, and we had to explain why it was our favorite. I have many favorite movies, therefore I couldn’t decide.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

        Today in class we discussed several topics about the world today.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Honor codes

       Today in class we discussed honor codes. Honor codes are sets of rules that address cheating, and stealing in a school system. School systems all over the country have honor codes. Although, honor  codes don’t  seem necessary for every school. It should be mandatory for every college ,or university to have honor codes.

Thursday, November 14, 2019


         Today in class we discussed the topic “is google making us stupid?” A few people answered no, but majority of the class answered yes. I think google is making society handicap. Asking Siri or google a question takes no effort. Most of the time when I search something, an hour later I forget what I looked up. Having google makes me lazy when it comes to reading. Instead of reading actual books , I just decide to look up books on the internet. It is very bad that society is like this , because we should be able to have common knowledge without google ,or Siri.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Subject and Object Pronouns

         Today in class discussed we subject and object pronouns. I learned that subject pronouns are used in the subject in each sentence. I also learned that object pronouns are used to take the place of objects in a sentence. An objective pronoun is the objective case, which means it is direct or indirect of verbs. Mr. Rease also talked to us about the Act, he explained how each subject would be scored..

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Misplaced Modifiers

        Today in class we talked about misplaced modifiers. In the beginning of class we were given a worksheet based on this skill. It was kind of difficult for me , because I couldn’t really tell what order to pity the sentences in. After we finished working with the misplaced modifiers worksheet, we talked about the Ap exam. Mr. Rease showed us what a good essay for the Ap exam looks like. There were some really good ones , but there were also some flawed ones.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Rhetorical Triangle

      Today in class we talked about the rhetorical triangle. We analyzed logos, ethos, and pathos. Logos is for factual and logical arguments. Ethos is for ethical arguments , and pathos is used for emotional arguments. The rhetorical triangle is used mostly for persuasive speeches ,and letters.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Paper Bag Vocabulary Project

        Today in class we present or “ What’s in the bag projects”. Mr. Rease gave everyone three vocabulary words. We had to find three items that related to each word. The words I had were bovine, cataclysm, and carcinogen. Bovine relates to cows , or cattle so I chose a chic-fil-a cup, because they encourage people to not eat beef. Cataclysm means a violent change so I chose earth. My last word was carcinogen, so I brought a fake cigarette. Cigarettes are very cancerous.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Identifying Rhetorical Devices

    Today in class we listened to Martin Luther King Jr. speech. It was a very touching ,and powerful speech. While we were listening to it ,we had to identify the devices he was using. I noticed that he used repetition very often. Later I realized the repetition in the speech made it a lot more remembering. He also used many other devices. I realized that when a speaker uses rhetorical devices, the speech becomes more effective.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis

     Today in class we learned more about rhetorical analysis. I learned that both writers and speaks use rhetorical analysis to persuade their audience. Speakers use rhetorical analysis to either persuade or inform. When we analyze things we break them apart for better understanding.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Poetry Test

Today in class we took a test on the poem we read yesterday. The poem was very complex, but I used context clues and my prior knowledge. The first time I read the poem I didn’t understand, but since my teacher explained it thoroughly, I understand now. As I took the test I tried my best to think about my life as a child.When I was a kid my sister ,and I went to the circus every year with our grandparents. The poem compared poets to acrobats , so my prior knowledge really helped me think about that.


Beauty in the eye

Beauty isn’t about how pretty you are
beauty resides within
when you look into the mirror
you should not have to pretend
love who you are inside
you don’t need fake friends

once you find that beauty
self love begins
give yourself all the love
and credit because you are a ten

the glow on you face as if
you had a cleanse
it is now your time to
take on the world again

Analyzing Syntax

       Today in class I watched a video on syntax. I learned a lot about punctual and the structure of sentences. This lesson was actually v...