Thursday, October 31, 2019

Analyzing poems

   Today in class we read a poem. Not only did we read it, we analyzed. It wasn’t a very easy poem to analyze. There were many words I was unfamiliar with, but I tried my best to use context clues. We also talked about stretching the truth. I learned that when a person stretches the truth , they’re trying to avoid lying. I realized that I stretch the truth all the time.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Vocabulary presentation

   Today in class we presented our vocabulary words to the class. We were given fifteen words to choose from. My four words were bestial, beguile, blanch and antipathy. Even though we had fifteen words to choose from, many people in the class had the same words. I chose the words that I was already familiar with, which probably wasn’t a good idea. I don’t think choosing words I was already familiar with a good idea because ,I need to learn words I’m not familiar with.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


       Today we had a field trip. We went to a Frankenstein play, it was very interesting. I always saw cartoons of Frankenstein, but it was even better, because I was watching it live. It was one of the best experiences for me because, I want to be an actress. The actors were very entertaining.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Future

      Today in class we were asked numerous questions. Most of the questions were scenarios, the scenarios we were given took much of thought. One of the scenarios we were given was, “ If you could look into a magical ball and ask your future self something what would it be”.I have so many things that I want to know about my future , so this would take some thought . For me this scenario took much thought, because my future is very important. Therefore ,I would have to ask a question that’s the most essential to my future. “Are we actresses for Tyler Perry yet?” is what I’d ask my future self.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


    Today in class we presented our vocabulary projects. The four words I chose for my project were, aesthetic , affluence, aegis ,and adroit. A lot of people chose the same words as me, but some people didn’t. My favorite presentation was jada’s presentation. Although she did her project incorrectly ,she made the best of a bad situation. It was very entertaining and unique.

Monday, October 21, 2019


      Today in class we were put into groups. All groups were given a topic . The topic for my group was, unhealthy foods. Every group in the class went around and brainstormed on other groups’ posters. We were given two minutes to brainstorm all we could for each topic.

Friday, October 18, 2019


    Today in class we learned about procatalepsis. Procatalepsis is a figure of speech in which ,the speak objects the speech of  their opponent, by staying their objection. I learned that procatalepsis makes arguments stronger. Procatalepsis is a great attention grabber.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Literary Devices

     Today in class we discussed three literary devices. The first literary device we discussed were litotes. Litotes are ironic understatements expressed in a negative opposite way. The second literary device we learned about was hypophora. Hypophora is a figure of speech in which the writer asks a question and then answers it.The third literary device we learned about today was antithesis. Antithesis is a person or things that is being contrasted.Antithesis talks about opposite things.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Importance of Listening

        Today in class we discussed listening. I learned why listening is just as important as speaking. If we do not listen we cannot learn ,and we will never get our point across. Today I realized that I am actually a good listener. I listen to what a person has to say even if it makes no sense. Sometimes people will realize the things they are saying makes no sense ,when they actually  hear themselves speak. I also realized the most successful people in the world are great listeners.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Process of Elimination

    Today in class we talked about the process of elimination. We got into our groups ,and we discussed the the totally incorrect answers ,and the somewhat correct answers. Some questions were very difficult to identify , because the answers were very closely related. Hearing what my teammates thought really helped me eliminate the incorrect answers. Going over the passages really helped me understand better.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Final Exam

  Today in class we took our EQT. The test was very difficult mainly, because it was timed. The test had many passages along with questions. We had to identify the central purpose of each passage. Each passage contained unfamiliar words so, I had to use contex clues. I used process of elimination for the questions I didn’t know

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Gender Roles

      Today in class we wrote an essay. The essay we wrote was based on the book Wild by Cheryl Strayed. In my essay I discussed gender roles. Unlike most women, Cheryl refused the help of men. Cheryl seemed to be more independent than most women.

Monday, October 7, 2019


   Today in class we talked about poems. We analyzed poems ,and discussed what we thought they meant. We talked about imagery in poems. Imagery poems must contain all five senses. The poems we read in class were very descriptive.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Claims and Evidence

  Today in class we discussed claim and evidence. We looked at a picture that showed a situation where ,a woman said her husband slipped on a bar of soap. We were given a position, and whether we agreed with or not we had to back the claim up.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Class Discussion

  Today in class we discussed chapter 16. We talked what makes a mother an unfit mother. There were many perspectives , but overall everyone was on the same page. In my opinion Cheryl had a good mother. Some people are not fit to be a mom, but things happen. Her mother could have left along with the man, but she stayed with her kids.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


  Today in class we were put into teams. Each group leader got to choose the players they wanted in their team. All groups were assigned an NFL mascot. We played a game based on our knowledge on ethos, logos, and pathos.The purpose of this is to learn to work in teams and earn extra points.

Analyzing Syntax

       Today in class I watched a video on syntax. I learned a lot about punctual and the structure of sentences. This lesson was actually v...