Friday, March 27, 2020

Week #2

    This was a very hard week for me. I found out that school was officially going to be out for the rest of the term. I was so devastated ;I didn’t even want to watch the new Netflix show I’ve been talking about for weeks. I am going to miss being with my teachers ,and classmates.

Friday, March 20, 2020

This week

      This week I accomplished absolutely nothing. I did some science homework, but I feel like I have learned nothing. Which for me is a terrible feeling. I hope this virus doesn’t last long because I miss school, online school is not the same. I miss interacting with my friends and teachers the most ; I feel like a part of my inner self is slowly shifting away.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Short Films

         Today in class we watched several short films. All of the short films had valuable meanings to them. I’ve watched some of them already, but it was better to discuss it with my classmates.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Today in Class

   Class was fun today; we talked about many different topics. Some I didn’t quite understand, but I tried my best to use context clues. It was a very simple day,  because Mr.Rease decided to give the class a break ,since the ACT test is next week. Mr. Rease also have the class a few test taking tips ,which made perfect sense.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Nathaniel Woods

        Today in class we discussed several currents topics. The topic that interested me today was the Nathaniel Woods topic. I wasn’t familiar with who he was until today. I was devastated when I found out that he was going to be executed today. He is being charged with murder, but didn’t kill anyone. After reading over five articles about the incident, I’m still not sure if what is happening is fair. I feel like he should have received another penalty, but not death.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

My Perspective on Culture

      Today in class we discussed claims and evidence. We talked more about cultures, and how education pertains to it. I believe that if other cultures read texts outside of their culture ,they will develop a more tolerant mindset. Being exposed to diversity to is very important, because people of all walks of life get to understand different perspectives in life. This is a very popular topic, but some people tend to avoid the conversation. Whether people want to discuss it or not ,it will still be an important topic because the world is changing very rapidly.

Monday, March 2, 2020


        Today in class we talked about different perspectives on essays. A student in the class gave their definition of perspective. Perspective is the way someone views something. Everyone has different feelings and opinions about certain topics. The prompt we discussed was “ Should  be able to study the same curriculum worldwide”? Everyone should have a choice, because each country can gain something another country doesn’t have (education wise). The world is a diverse place, so we should be exposed to all types of literature.

Analyzing Syntax

       Today in class I watched a video on syntax. I learned a lot about punctual and the structure of sentences. This lesson was actually v...