Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Analyzing Syntax

       Today in class I watched a video on syntax. I learned a lot about punctual and the structure of sentences. This lesson was actually very interesting to me ; it had very good stories to go along with the lesson. I have heard about syntax in many college papers , and now I actually know how to identify it. There was a worksheet that went along with the lesson. It was a very interesting passage ; I had to analyze it and tell describe it.

Monday, May 4, 2020


Today in class I watched a rhetorical analysis video. Today it was on identifying and analyzing appeals. Earlier this school year ; I’d learned about ethos, logos, and pathos. Which made the video more understandable , and relatable. I took notes of other key elements of rhetoric. The video also went over satire from last week.

Analyzing Syntax

       Today in class I watched a video on syntax. I learned a lot about punctual and the structure of sentences. This lesson was actually v...